Is this Foundation Crack Safe, Normal, or Dangerous?

Is this Foundation Crack Safe, Normal, or Dangerous?

It’s a Monday, just like every other Monday. You come home from picking up groceries, looking forward to completing your ordinary weekday routine when suddenly you spot a fractured anomaly. An unholy blemish upon your home’s pristine visage! How could this happen to you, a typical, law-abiding homeowner? Your home has a foundational crack!

Before you descend into the Seven Stages of Grief, or madness, take the time to indulge in a moment of analysis. Cracks are annoying, often ugly, and can be indicative of larger issues, but they are not always the end of the world! Read more to learn how to diagnose, repair, or address your foundation crack.

Diagnosing a Crack in Your Home’s Foundation

It is actually pretty regular for foundational cracks to form in the first couple of years after construction. These initial cracks most likely appear in the following places:

  • Corners of Walls
  • Near Windows
  • Along Long Sections of Your Foundation

These initial cracks are most likely due to a new foundation settling rather than a warning sign of any long-term damage. Keep an eye on these formative cracks and call Foundation Pro if they deepen or expand over time.

The Pencil Test: Analyzing Your Foundation Crack

After spotting the initial foundation crack, monitor the break over time to determine whether it is increasing in size. An easy way to measure the crack is to use a pencil. Follow these easy steps to track your crack:

  1. Draw a line with your pencil on either end of the small crack.
  2. Date the measurements.
  3. Wait!

If the crack is due to natural settling, it will not continue to expand. If it is a warning sign for more serious damage, the crack will grow beyond the marks made with your pencil.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Foundation Cracks – What’s the Difference?

Another method to test the severity of a crack is by gauging its direction. The direction of the crack indicates the level of pressure and the amount of time your home has been shifting. Vertical cracks may have a different origin than horizontal cracks, and each has their own unique repair methods.

Vertical Foundation Cracks and Diagonal Foundation Cracks

If you see hairline vertical or diagonal cracks, this may be a result of natural concrete shrinkage. This type of crack is also common during new construction. Concrete shrinks when it dries, so it is common to find small fissures called “shrinkage cracks” These cracks can run vertically or horizontally and are typically less than a 1/8 inch in width.

Horizontal Foundation Cracks

Horizontal foundation cracks can be a result of uneven pressure affecting the composition of your walls. If left unattended, these cracks can lead to a growing foundation problem. If you live in a rainy area where soils are more expansive, this process can accelerate.

Expansive Soils. Arkansas has high levels of expansive soil, which is defined as soil containing large amounts of clay minerals. This variety of soil can increase by 10% in volume when saturated with moisture. This means that when the soil dries and contracts, it can cause the foundation to shift.

Call Foundation Pro if you see cracks in concrete sheetrock or uneven floors horizontal crack!

Repairing Cracks in Your Foundation – Go with the Pro!

Even if a crack does not pose an immediate threat, it is advisable to repair any damage to your property as soon as possible. One mistake we see is when a homeowner attempts to repair a small crack using DIY methods he or she saw online.

  • Emergency Cracks. If you have a serious foundation issues that require structural repairs, Foundation Pro can help you with drainage improvement and consult about maintenance or repair to your foundation. If the damage requires structural repairs, our team will evaluate the damage and determine if you require concrete raising, steel pier pilings, concrete staples, or carbon fiber straps!

Call Foundation Pro for Your Free Foundation Repair Consultation!

Go with the Pro! Foundation Pro will start your foundation repair off on the right track with advanced, long-lasting repair solutions. Call today to schedule your FREE consultation. The sooner you fix your foundation, the sooner you can get your home back to normal. Call Foundation Pro today at 501-753-1009.